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Journal Articles

1. Chen K-S*, Lu J-Y*, Wang C-N. 2019. Effective pollination of Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae) by generalist passerines in sunbird-absent East Asia. Sci Rep 9, 17552. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53035-2. LINK


2. Hsin K-T*, Lu J-Y*, Moller M, Wang C-N. 2019Gene duplication and relaxation from selective constraints of GCYC genes correlated with various floral symmetry patterns in Asiatic Gesneriaceae tribe Trichosporeae. PloS one 14(1), e0210054-e0210054. LINK


3. Hsu H-J*, He C-W*, Kuo W-H*, Hsin K-T*, Lu J-Y, Pan Z-J* and Wang C-N. 2018. Genetic analysis of floral symmetry transition in African violet suggest involvement of trans-acting factor for CYCLOIDEA expression shifts. Front. Plant Sci. 9:1008. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01008 LINK


*These authors: contribute equally to the research


Conference Presentations

1. Lu J-Y*, Chen K-S,* Wang C-N. 2019. Poster presentation: On the range edge of bird-plant specialized relationships: pollination by generalist passerines in Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae) in Taiwan. Evolution meeting 2019 (21-25 June, Providence, RI, US)


2. Lu J-Y*, Chen K-S,* Wang C-N. 2018. Oral Presentation: Generalist passerines as specialized pollinators in the absence of sunbirds: Highly efficient generalized passerine pollination system of East Asian Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae). (GO_2) Congress of Animal Behavior and Ecology (22-23 January, Hsinchu, Taiwan)

3. Lu J-Y*, Chen K-S,* Wang C-N. 2017. Poster presentation: Highly efficient pollination system in Aeschynanthus acuminatus (Gesneriaceae) reveals the potential role of generalized passerines in floral evolution of East Asia. (T2-53-15, P0507) XIX International Botanical Congress (23-29 July, Shenzhen, China)


4. Lu J-Y*, Hsin K-T*, Wang C-N. 2016. Poster presentation: Gene duplication and relax from selective constraints of Gcyc genes create high floral diversity in Didymocarpoideae (Gesneriaceae) (abs# 355) Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution Conference 2016 (3-7 July, Gold Coast, Queensland) PDF

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